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Internet of Things [IoT]

Skill set required to create an interconnected IoT program for a hardware device is very different from the skills necessary to develop and maintain an application stack, and vice versa. Anatomy of an IoT solution design requires multi-skilled teams that work together and blend hardware engineering prototypes with application workflows

Hardware Prototype

Build a breadboard based solution prototype and lab test various use cases

Create a solution roadmap and design hardware and software dependencies. Begin prototyping your toughest problem to create a minimum viable product. Make significant product decisions upfront and test various use cases in lab settings for quick feedback at a lower risk.

IoT Portfolio


Build breadboard based solution prototype and lab test various use cases

IoT Analytics

Connect prototypes to cloud IoT solutions and develop connected applications

Mass Production

Select the right components and optimize hardware layout, to create field-test units for beta-tests and carry forward your learnings to production launch

Cloud IoT and Analytics

Connect prototypes to cloud IoT solutions and develop connected applications

Connect prototypes to cloud IoT solutions to create a complete functional model of your solution.  Design the communication stack to reduce latency and faster processing for streaming data. Build your cloud applications and leverage real-time data to create data-driven solutions.

Mass-scale Production

Select the right components and optimize hardware layout, to create field-test units for beta-tests and carry forward your learnings to production launch

Generate blueprint design for small batch field test units (FTU) or product launch. Manage solution logistics for wide-scale deployment.

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